Harvard Astro215hf 2015/16 Module 7

CMB Experiments, Surveys and Analysis - Clem Pryke Feb. 9/11/16/18

Lecture Slides/Notes

Lecture 1: slides matlab

Lecture 2: matlab

Lecture 3: slides

Lecture 4: matlab

Get Matlab Running Ahead Of Class

We are going to be using the Matlab program to do some practical data manipulation and analysis during class time. So please get Matlab running ahead of time accessed through, or on, your laptop. This is commercial software but there are a number of options to access:

I suggest to run without the cumbersome user interface. When starting it from the command line this can be accomplished with: matlab -nosplash -nodesktop

If you ssh in to run remotely remember to use the -Y switch or similar so that graphics work: ssh -Y pryke@odyssey.fas.harvard.edu