Here are the clean_scans, cal_scans and sumdiff_pairs functions:
function d=clean_scans(d,fs,percent) % d=clean_scans(d,fs,percent) % % Remove the given percentile of the integral distribution from each % half scan specified by fs, and for each bolometer channel in % d.lockin.adcData for i=1:length(fs.sf) s=fs.sf(i); e=fs.ef(i); %v=double(d.lockin.adcData(s:e,ind)); v=d.lockin.adcData(s:e,:); v=v-repmat(prctile(v,percent),[size(v,1),1]); d.lockin.adcData(s:e,:)=v; end return function d=cal_scans(d,fs,en) % d=cal_scans(d,fs,en) % % relative cal fs scans using en gains so that all channels have same % gain % for each field scan for j=1:length(fs.t) % find the preceding el nod x=fs.t(j)-en.t; x(x<0)=+inf; [dummy,k]=min(x); % Scale with rel gain s=fs.sf(j); e=fs.ef(j); cal=en.g(k,1:size(d.lockin.adcData,2)); cal=repmat(cal,[(e-s+1),1]); d.lockin.adcData(s:e,:)=d.lockin.adcData(s:e,:)./cal; end function d=sumdiff_pairs(d,fs) % d=sumdiff_pairs(d,fs) % % Take A/B bolometer data to sum/diff % for each half scan for i=1:length(fs.sf) s=fs.sf(i); e=fs.ef(i); v=d.lockin.adcData(s:e,:); vp=v; vp(:,1:2:end)=v(:,1:2:end)+v(:,2:2:end); vp(:,2:2:end)=v(:,1:2:end)-v(:,2:2:end); d.lockin.adcData(s:e,:)=vp; end return
Here is a simple script which uses them to make maps:
% get the "time ordered data" load 060607_tod_uncal % get the "map index" which points to the on field scanning portion of % the run mapind=make_mapind(d,fs); % clean the scans to remove DC offset from each d=clean_scans(d,fs,25); % make maps for A/B channels of first pair map(1)=make_map(d.ra(mapind),d.dec(mapind),d.lockin.adcData(mapind,1)); map(2)=make_map(d.ra(mapind),d.dec(mapind),d.lockin.adcData(mapind,2)); subplot(1,2,1) imagesc(map(1).x_tic,map(1).y_tic,map(1).map); axis xy; axis square; set(gca,'XDir','reverse'); colorbar subplot(1,2,2) imagesc(map(2).x_tic,map(2).y_tic,map(2).map); axis xy; axis square; set(gca,'XDir','reverse'); colorbar % apply elnod based relative gain calibration to equalize the gain of % all channels load 060607_calval d=cal_scans(d,fs,en); % Go from A/B/A/B to sum/diff/sum/diff d=sumdiff_pairs(d,fs); % remap to see result map(1)=make_map(d.ra(mapind),d.dec(mapind),d.lockin.adcData(mapind,1)); map(2)=make_map(d.ra(mapind),d.dec(mapind),d.lockin.adcData(mapind,2)); subplot(1,2,1) imagesc(map(1).x_tic,map(1).y_tic,map(1).map); axis xy; axis square; set(gca,'XDir','reverse'); colorbar title('pair sum') subplot(1,2,2) imagesc(map(2).x_tic,map(2).y_tic,map(2).map); axis xy; axis square; set(gca,'XDir','reverse'); colorbar title('pair diff')
The end product of this looks like this:
In the left panel we see a map of polarized emission from the CenA radio galaxy - the central core and 2 jets extending to upper left and lower right. The pair diff maps shows one compoent of polarization - note that the blob is not coincident with the core - we are seeing high fractional polarization of the upper left jet. Note that we see extensive atmospheric stipping in the left panel, but closer to white noise in the right as atmospheric emission is laregly un-polarized.
% make maps for all pairs for i=1:size(d.lockin.adcData,2) map(i)=make_map(d.ra(mapind),d.dec(mapind),d.lockin.adcData(mapind,i)); end % plot maps for all pairs for i=1:length(map)/2 subplot(6,6,i) m=(i-1)*2+1; %m=i*2; imagesc(map(m).x_tic,map(m).y_tic,map(m).map); axis xy; axis square; set(gca,'XDir','reverse'); end
The plot looks like this - we see the source at a different location in each panel - why? The feeds in the focal plane each see a different spot on the sky for a given telescope pointing direction. Therefore as the telescope raster scans around each feed passes over the source at different pointing offset from the nominal pointing direction. The RA/Dec on the plot axes are only correct for the center feed - which by definition has zero offset angle.
To get info on the offset angles of each feed we load another file containing structures p and ind.
load 060607_arrayinfo.mat plot(p.ra_off_dos,p.dec_off,'+'); grid axis image
The QUaD focal plane has 7 inner feeds at 150GHz, a ring of 12 100GHz and 12 more 150's around the edge. We make a function fp_diag which will display the the position, beam size, and grid angles of the A and B grids in each feed.
function fp_diag(p) % fp_diag(p) % % Make pretty picture showing focal plane layout x=p.ra_off_dos; y=p.dec_off; % draw circles with beam width [xc,yc]=circle(x,y,p.beam_sig_a); plot(xc,yc,'b'); axis image; grid set(gca,'XDir','reverse'); % draw lines at grid angle t=(p.grid_phi+90)*pi/180; r=p.beam_sig_a; [xo,yo]=pol2cart(t,r); xl=[x+xo;x-xo]; yl=[y+yo;y-yo]; line(xl(:,1:2:end),yl(:,1:2:end),'Color','b'); line(xl(:,2:2:end),yl(:,2:2:end),'Color','r'); return
Note that the grid angle is shown as projected on the sky and there are grid pairs of two flavours. The angle shown is the metalized grid direction - photons with their E-field aligned with the metalized direction of the bolometer grid will excite voltage in the grid in the same direction and therefore be absorbed - they see the grid as a bunch of parallel dipole antennas. Photons with their E-field perpendicular to the grid don't see it at all and pass straight through. Photon's at intermediate angles have a probability to be absorbed or pass through depending on their angle to the metalized direction. Note that this is exactly the same way polarized sunglasses work - the explaination sometimes given of photons parallel to the metal bars passing through as in through the bars of a cage is exactly wrong.
% replot the pol maps marking grid angle in title for i=1:length(map)/2 subplot(6,6,i) m=i*2; imagesc(map(m).x_tic,map(m).y_tic,map(m).map); axis xy; axis square; set(gca,'XDir','reverse'); title(p.grid_phi(m-1)); nanmean(map(m).map(:)) end
Click here to see the result. We see that the source appears strongly in all -57 degree pairs and hardly at all in the -102 degree pairs. Why is this?
function mapca=make_coadd_map(ra,dec,dat,p,ind) % mapca=make_coadd_map(ra,dec,dat,p,ind) % % Make coadd map % define region to map ral=min(ra)-1; rah=max(ra)+1; decl=min(dec)-1; dech=max(dec)+1; n=round((dech-decl)/0.02); mapca.nhit=zeros(n); mapca.tot=zeros(n); for i=ind % find ra/dec trajectory on sky for this feed y=dec+p.dec_off(i); x=ra+p.ra_off_dos(i)./cosd(y); % make map for this feed [mapca.x_tic,mapca.y_tic,nhit]=hfill2(x,y,n,ral,rah,n,decl,dech); [mapca.x_tic,mapca.y_tic,tot] =hfill2(x,y,n,ral,rah,n,decl,dech,dat(:,i)); % accumulate into coadd map mapca.nhit=mapca.nhit+nhit; mapca.tot =mapca.tot+tot; end % map final map; return
For the pair sum (unpol) maps we can just add them up, but for the pair diff (pol) maps we need to be careful. We need to coadd the like aligned groups - which we can call Q' and U':
% pull out data for clarity x=d.ra(mapind); y=d.dec(mapind); v=d.lockin.adcData(mapind,:); % make map for 100GHz unpol mapt=make_coadd_map(x,y,v,p,ind.rgl100a); % make maps for 100GHz like aligned pair groups mapqp=make_coadd_map(x,y,v,p,ind.rgl100q+1); mapup=make_coadd_map(x,y,v,p,ind.rgl100u+1); % same for 150GHz mapt(2)=make_coadd_map(x,y,v,p,ind.rgl150a); mapqp(2)=make_coadd_map(x,y,v,p,ind.rgl150q+1); mapup(2)=make_coadd_map(x,y,v,p,ind.rgl150u+1);Note that the structure ind is a convenience structure constructed using the information in p structure to hold lists of all groups of channels which we might ever want to reference. Now we make a little function to plot a map:
function plot_map(map,t,z) % function plot_map(map,t) % % plot a map astronomy style imagesc(map.x_tic,map.y_tic,; axis xy; axis square; set(gca,'XDir','reverse'); colorbar title(t) zoom(z) return
% plot coadd maps clf z=1 subplot(2,3,1); plot_map(mapt(1),'T 100GHz',z); subplot(2,3,2); plot_map(mapqp(1),'Q 100GHz',z); subplot(2,3,3); plot_map(mapup(1),'U 100GHz',z); subplot(2,3,4); plot_map(mapt(2),'T 150GHz',z); subplot(2,3,5); plot_map(mapqp(2),'Q 150GHz',z); subplot(2,3,6); plot_map(mapup(2),'U 150GHz',z);
Try making the plot with different zoom levels. Here it is at zoom 1 and at zoom 3.
We want to make a proper map of polarization direction - we want to rotate from the instrument defined Q'/U' frame to the absolute horizon aligned Q/U frame. Then we can use the fact that polarization angle = 0.5*atan2(U,Q) to construct polarization "vectors". I put vectors in inverted commas because polarization is a "headless vector". We can use the p.grid_phi angle to make the necessary rotation.
A further complication is astronomical convention. Normally we work in x - horizontal to right, y - up frame, and measure angles from x towards y. In astronomy x is E and y is north. We always reverse the direction of x for plots but we do that by telling Matlab to mirror the display - +x is still east. However astromomers like to measure angles from north. For the purposes of this exercise we will measure pol angle from north towards west (although note that IAU convention is actually north towards east). This is summarized in the following figure:
The following code makes a plot with gray scale map with pol "vectors" overplotted:
% take Q'/U' and rotate to Q/U [t,r]=cart2pol(mapqp(1).map,mapup(1).map); t=t+2*(-57)*pi/180; [,]=pol2cart(t,r); % now take pol angle pa=0.5*atan2(,; pr=sqrt(mapu(1).map.^2+mapq(1).map.^2); % plot the maq plot_map(mapt(1),'T 100GHz',4); colormap gray % plot the "vectors" % pi/2 because pol measured from +y to -x but we plot in Matlab +x to % +y world [u,v]=pol2cart(pa+pi/2,pr); [x,y]=meshgrid(mapt(1).x_tic,mapt(1).y_tic); hold on; quiver(x,y,+u,+v,0.7,'r.'); quiver(x,y,-u,-v,0.7,'r.'); hold off;
Here is the result compared to a published map of Cen A at 5GHz: