% get the data s=wmap_read('wmap_ptsrc_catalog_p2_3yr_v2.txt') % plotting in galactic latitude survey clearly incomplete below b=20 clf axesm('MapProjection','Hammer','Grid','on'); i=abs(s.b)>20; plotm(s.b(i),s.l(i),'.') % area from Pole to 20 deg lat is 2pi(1-cos(70d)) steradians % so area above 20 deg lat is 4pi(1-cos(20d)) sa=4*pi*(1-cos(70*pi/180)); % fill into log bins - 20 per decade [x,n]=hfill(log10(s.s(:,1)),30,0,1.5); % compute bin lower and upper edges bwl=x(2)-x(1); bc=10.^x; bl=10.^(x-bwl/2); bu=10.^(x+bwl/2); bw=bu-bl; % fit to power law form with extra multiplier to account for bin % widths and survey area - i.e. we are fitting directly to sources per % Jansky per steradian [p,pe]=matmin('logl',[2,-3],[],'dnds_fitfunc',n,bc,sa.*bw) % calculate upper and lower confidence limits for n obs per bin [le,ue]=poisserrors(n); % now scale all n per bin according to area and bin width - % i.e. convert to flux f f.c=n./(sa.*bw); f.l=le./(sa.*bw); f.u=ue./(sa.*bw); % plot and overplot fit clf plot(bc,f.c,'.'); line([bc;bc],[f.u;f.l],'Color','b'); set(gca,'YScale','log'); set(gca,'XScale','log'); hold on plot(bc,powlaw(p,bc),'r'); hold off xlabel('Flux S (Jy)'); ylabel('dN/dS (N per Jy per Sr)'); % compare this plot to fig 13 of % WMAP1 C.L. Bennett, et al., 2003, ApJS, 148, 97 % and compare the numbers in p to table 4
plot(x,n,'.') set(gca,'YScale','log'); line([x;x],[le;ue],'Color','b'); hold on plot(x+0.01,n,'r.') hold off line([x;x]+0.01,[n+sqrt(n);n-sqrt(n)+1e-9],'color','r') ylim([1e-2,1e2]);
We see as expected that the error bars differ for small n. Note that proper poisson error bars are close to symmetric about dot on log scale, whereas the sqrt(n) error bars are strongly asymmetric.
Make a noise sine wave and plot it:
delt=0.1; maxt=20; t=delt:delt:maxt; p=[0,2,0.5,0.7] y=p(1)+p(2)*sin(2*pi*(p(3)*t+p(4))); y=y+0.5*randn(size(y)); plot(t,y,'.'); grid
Now we do the "fast Fourier transform" or fft on it:
Note that the fft of a purely real input gives complex output. Plot the real part:
Note that the zero freq is at the start, then +ve freq increasing to right to most +ve half way along, then most -ve freq inc to right for second half. So we see two spikes for our 0.5Hz sinusoid at each end of the plot. This funny order is what fft algorithms naturally put out. Matlab provides fftshift function to put the zero freq in the middle where it belongs:
z=fftshift(z); plot(real(z),'.')
We will work always with the zero freq at the center and treat the need to fftshift as an annoyance which we always do after/before doing fft operations.
Let's work out the frequency axis corresponding to out time axis t:
% delta freq is one over span in time delf=1/(maxt); % one freq in fft output for each sample in time input n=length(t); f=delf*[-n/2:n/2-1]; % plot freq spectrum with freq axis plot(f,real(z),'.')
Note that the zero freq lives in the n/2+1 element. We see spikes at +/-0.5 Hz as expected. But what is negative freq anyway? We already noted pure real input gives complex output, but if the input is purely real then the complex output is "conjugate symmetric" about zero freq. More specifically the first and n/2+1 elements are of the fft are purely real and the 2:n/2 and n/2+2:n complex element are (conjugate) mirror images of one another:
[z(1) z(n/2+1)] [z(2:n/2) z(end)] [z(n/2) z(n/2+2)]
p=z.*conj(z); plot(f,p,'.') % note that real(z).^2+imag(z).^2 = abs(z).^2 = z.*conj(z)
The above plot is the "two sided power spectral density" or PSD. Since the +ve and -ve freq are identical of course we only need to plot one side:
% read image and sum RGB to form a grayscale image im=sum(imread('football.jpg'),3); % force the image square n=min(size(im)); im=im(1:n,1:n); % plot it colormap gray imagesc(im); axis square
Now fft it - note we use fft2 - if we do fft on 2d array we will get the 1d fft of each column which is not what we want.
Now we look at the transform and don't see much because the colorscale has been forced by the large values in the few lowest freq modes. So we truncated the color scale so we can see the higher freq modes:
% look at the transform imagesc(real(z)); axis square; ca=caxis; caxis(ca/100); % shift it z=fftshift(z); % look again % this is what 2d fft's typically look like... imagesc(real(z)); axis square; ca=caxis; caxis(ca/100);
No let's low pass filter the image. The zero order way to do this is to zero the high freq modes. First we gen the freq axis (in arbitrary units)
Now we want to construct an array containing the radius from the center of the fourier plane (i.e. the absolute value of the frequency for each 2d mode).
% make grids of x/y freqs [fx,fy]=meshgrid(f,f); % look at them imagesc(fx); imagesc(fy); % make a grid of radius from center r=sqrt(fx.^2+fy.^2); % look at it imagesc(r)
Note the very useful Matlab function meshgrid which constructs 2d arrays from 1d vectors. (It's a special canned double version of repmat.) We can now apply hard cutoff low pass filter to fourier plane z:
z(r>20)=0; % look at the result in Fourier space - see "coin" in center imagesc(real(z)); axis square; ca=caxis; caxis(ca/100); % undo the fft shift z=fftshift(z); % look again - note quarter coins in corners imagesc(real(z)); axis square; ca=caxis; caxis(ca/100);
Now we do the inverse fourier transform using ifft and view the blurred result:
imp=ifft2(z); % view the blurred result in image space imagesc(imp); axis equal
% size of grid n=256; % center of fourier plane - zero freq c=n/2+1; % fill grid with zeros z=zeros(n); % inject a value into a single F mode z(c+10,c)=1; % do the inverse transform im=fft2(fftshift(z)); % view the result imagesc(im);
imagesc barfs because input is complex - but why? Because we set only the z(c+10,c) mode and left it's symmetric partner at zero. We need to do:
% set the partner z(c-10,c)=1; % do the inverse transform im=fft2(fftshift(z)); % view the result imagesc(im); grid
Now we see a "corrugation" - a pattern which varies sinusoidally in the one direction and is constant in the orthogonal direction. Because we set a mode on the y-axis in Fourier plane the pattern varies in the y direction. Note that this mode varies as the cosine - it is maximum at the center. Now let's set the mode to complex value 0+i instead:
% zero the array z=zeros(n); % set the mode to i z(c+10,c)=complex(0,1); % ...and its symmetric partner to -i z(c-10,c)=conj(complex(0,1)); % do the inverse transform im=fft2(fftshift(z)); % view the result imagesc(im);
Note that this mode is sine wave - it is zero at center. Each Fourier mode has real part corresponding to cosine corrugation of given freq and orientation and imaginary part corresponding to sine corrugation of same freq and direction.
Extra credit for making it accept non-square input image.
Extra, extra credit for making an animation using "getframe" command in a loop over imfilt with type "low-cut" and increasing r. Play the the movie using "movie" command. If you do this last part do it in a separate file which calls imfilt function rather than adding additional code within imfilt.