Jun 9 2006 - Cen A


We did a "beam map run" on Cen A. This produces a pretty nice result. The pixels are 0.02 deg square and the lines are E field direction.

Comparing to the 5GHz map shown above and on page 137 of this paper we are seeing what they refer to as the inner lobe.

This is about 16 hours of on source scanning with a scan throw of 3.2 deg in az which is about 2.3 degrees on the sky at dec -43. The signal to noise per detector is still pretty low as seen below in the individual pair maps. The red/blue frames denote the Q' and U' detector pairs (where ' means in the instrument frame). From the VLA map above it does look as if additional resolution over QUaD's 6/4 arcminutes at 100/150GHz would yield something here.