DASI Encoders

Azimuth Axis

Tape circumference = 105.866 x 25.4 x pi = 8477.5 mm, so 1 arc sec = 6.54 um movement

Heidenhain or Renishaw? Renishaw RG2 system looks good and is much cheaper. Some comparisons:



Ellipticity and Eccentricity: The ellipticity and eccentricity of the track will cause measurement errors. Drawing 17-00-2 specifies the scanning gap to be 0.8 +/- 0.1 mm (0.032 +/- 0.004 inches). This corresponds to a worst case error of +/- 15 arc sec. Multiple read heads can be used to help correct for this. PMAC can make a simple sum of encoder inputs to control a given axis.

Backlash: Azimuth axis is driven through a reducer with 10 minute backlash. The drive wheel is 8 inch in diameter, track diameter is 110.3 inch (mid-point). Hence the telescope backlash is 10/(110.3/8) = 44 arc sec. A twin motor antibacklash configuration will be used.

Elevation Axis

The RCN 220 produces "synchronous serial" output. There is currently no PMAC accessory which accepts this type of output. Probably we can switch to one of the RON incremental series which are mechanically identical.

RON285 gives 1 Vpp output with 18,000 lines/rev. The recommended measuring step is 1.8 arc sec, corresponding to 10-fold interpolation. Stated accuracy is +/- 5 arc sec. Price approx $3K (+ interpolator approx $500).

RON287 gives 1 Vpp output with 18,000 lines/rev. The recommended measuring step is 0.36 arc sec, corresponding to 50-fold interpolation. Stated accuracy is +/- 2.5 arc sec. Price approx $5K (+ interpolator approx $900).

Backlash: Elevation is also driven through a reducer with 10 minute backlash. Rack and pinion reduction ratio is approx 10, and the telescope backlash is 1 arc minute. Twin motor drive will again be used.

Theta Axis

  • Desired precision: 10 arc sec ?
  • Angular travel: +/- 200 deg
  • Specified device: Renishaw tape?

    We will almost certainly use the Renishaw tape on the theta axis which has a less demanding accuracy requirement.