Outline Protons, neutrons, nuclei, elements and isotopes. Primordial soup of the infant Universe. Principles of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. Measuring the result: Quasars as a back-light. Spectral forest from ancient gas clouds. Keck telescope and HIRES spectrograph. Deuterium absorption lines. What it tells us about amount of ordinary matter in our Universe. Protons, neutrons, nuclei and isotopes Nuclear fusion in stars Back in time universe smaller denser, hotter Beyond the last scattering surface Start by assuming equal numbers of particles and antiparticles "Temperatures" that can be probed by particle accelerators - Fermilab pictures Pair production and annihilation Stretching space - reducing photon energy proton-proton annihilation... electron-positron annihilation neutron decay deuterium fragile - window for nucleosynthesis D/H as indicator of baryon density Measuring D/H in the local medium D destroyed in stars Measuring D/H in primordial gas clouds